It’s not exactly intuitive to feel comfortable in a pair of cycling shorts. In fact, for newcomers, it can feel downright awkward, with skin-tight Lycra and a bulging crotch pad, it takes some getting used to. But in the interests of comfort on the bike, it’s the only way. Here’s why bibshorts are ultimately the better option.

Firstly, there is nothing wrong with regular cycling shorts. They do a good job of keeping you comfortable while riding and are generally cheaper than bibshorts, so are often the only shorts you can afford when starting out.

Your early rides as a new cyclist or mountain biker are usually not too long and just having some padding to cushion your butt can feel great! But as you get more into your riding, the duration – and frequency – of your rides will increase and that’s where you need to consider upgrading to bibshorts.

Saddle comfort is the most important part of becoming a happy cyclist. If you aren’t comfortable, you won’t want to ride regularly. Standard cycling shorts lose their elasticity over time. It’s gradual and hardly noticeable, but what this does is causes them to move or shift, while you are riding. This too is not that noticeable, but small movements with each pedal stroke create friction between your skin and the shorts and the shorts and the saddle. 

Three layers of friction usually lead to chaffing, which is, at best, uncomfortable and at worst, painful. Because bibshorts incorporate shoulder straps, they fit more snug and don’t move around. Well, there’s the usual movement, but it’s the usual movement that’s expected when you’re pedalling and you are guaranteed to be more comfortable than with regular cycling shorts.

The good news is that there are brands that have made bibshorts that aren’t too expensive. Sure, they may not have the longevity of the more expensive brands and models, but they deliver improved snug-fit comfort over regular shorts and are worth investing in.

Ask any experienced cyclists about shorts and they’ll usually advise you that it’s worthwhile spending more on a decent pair of bibshorts than two pairs of regular shorts. Don’t see it as a cost, see it as an investment in your comfort, health and fitness.

Lynnwood Cyclery stocks a range of bibshorts for men: https://www.lynnwoodcyclery.co.za/collections/bibs and for women: https://www.lynnwoodcyclery.co.za/collections/bibs-women 


Author, Lynnwood Cyclery

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